Thursday, 1 June 2017


ऊंच नीच  ज़ात कुछ कोणी होवे है 
काली गोरी गाए को  दूध  एक्सो होवे  है !!!

Freedom is a gift of democracy and our constitution has gifted it to us ‘We the people’. Well said, US has developed Economy far more better than Indian Economy because they hire the deserved one’s and Indians hire Reserved one’s. In the country where our constitution says that India is a secular state . Secularity, equality and integrity are the basis on which we have our strong preamble. World look at us as the strongest and youngest human resource with good number of them working in medical and technological field. India has lessened its human resource strength by limiting its outrage by the reservation, where india believe that it has given daily bread to the weaker section of the society however, harsh fact is that bread has been taken away from the open category and handed over to the reserved category.

Also known as positive discrimination, it is intended to favour historically disadvantaged castes and tribes. The basic objective is to enhance the social and educational status  of underprivileged communities with an aim of improving their lives.

Once Stepping stone for india before independence has now become one of the major roadblocks which has the effects as good as termites have in the woods. It is not only making the entire education system hallow but also limiting the scope of economic and financial growth.

Well deserved open category have to pay lakhs and the one belonging to the lower caste will reap the fruits with both, Reserved seats and lowers fees.

Reservation is dividing the society leading to discrimination and conflicts creating disparity and differences amongst the people. Fundamental right also has this one out of seven rights which states that every child shall have right to education. Yes, they do have with obviously pinch of reservation.

Gone were the days where the lower caste people had no money to survive and take  good education, however they had enough amount of talent  which couldn’t be left unrecognised. To remove castiesm and to bring them at Par with upper class people, reservation system came into picture. Reservations were made with an intention to bring equality however it left behind fundamental principle of justice. Equality is not justice.

Entire story of reservation can be understood from the diagram laid below

From the above picture its clear that Population belonging to open category comprises of 75% and seats available to them gets divided with a share of 51% and remaining 49% belongs to the reseverd category. Apart from this reservation hustle and bustle, private colleges have started their own reservation criteria which is further more disappointing. Unecessary increase in the competition without quality and custom being improved at the same pace is what is making students loose faith in the education system.

To be continued..................


  1. Actually I also n I think not only I but many many people have d same opinion but it requires guts to speak secular state n where public n Pvt sector exists together ,the main problem is poverty,lack of education,uneual distribution of income n d solution should b reservation should b based on income levels not o caste,but every o e knows this is political funda.


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