Thursday, 3 March 2016

Pursuing Your Personal Legend..

From the core of “The alchemist”: A  Fable by Paulo Coelho  about following your dream.

“It is unforgettable story about  the essential wisdom of listening to your heart and, above all, following our dreams”

Some books are to be read , loved and passed on. This is one of those books. Writer has with its  life enhancing quotes made the  story of a shepherd so convincing that you really end up understanding the language of omens, language of love. Universal Language that we all humans are versed with.
In the initial pages writer very beautifully explained the “World’s Greatest lie”.  At certain point of time in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.  Later he went on to explain,  if you start out by promising what you don’t even have yet, you’ll lose your desire to work towards getting it. Its like creating liability even before you  have any asset to execute upon. All payouts and no incomes create no enthusiasm in working, to keep going one has to motivate oneself with some kinds of omens.

Author has rightly explained secret of happiness. He said ,”secret of happiness is in seeing all the marvel in the world and yet not forgetting about the drop of oil on the spoon”. With the ‘drop of oil on the spoon’ he meant, one should never forget the purpose for which he has come, understand his responsibility and make sure that on the way of pursuing your dream you are not left with a regret of leaving all the things which formed your life initially.

This book at every hook and corner make you aware of the languages used and being followed. There is a language in the world that everyone understand. ‘When we constantly strive for something better, we use language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired’. Well said by the author,’ when you want something, all the universe conspires to help you to achieve it. So let your enthusiasm speak and let the world conspire . Basic idea behind is, if you wish something through your heart strive for it passionately.

Author has also mentioned “maktub”, ‘if its really a part of your destiny, it will come back to you one day’ .We come across many things in our life and wish for the moment to stay. Similarly we meet different persons in our way to our dreams. Some get near some become dear. Some we want in our life to stay forever and some to get rid of. We never know why something has happened to us or why meet some person. But believe it, everything happening in our life is for a purpose. You come across person who may not stay throughout and someone whom you never met before will share rest of your life. Believe in power of destiny. If its yours it was never away from you, but if it isn’t yours, then it never had been with you.

Writer throughout the book mentions the power of following your dream. He says its never late to choose a path which excites you. Atleast for a limited period of your life, live your life the way you dreamt. Its always a fear of failure that keeps us from attempting master work, however if you have wasted 10 precious years of life in just thinking whether to do what i love or go with the flow and just earn for living; start now. Atleast you will be happy in not wasting next 20 years.

Writer in his book, mentioned the treasure which the shepherd dreams of finding. Towards the end of book, you realise, wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure. Naturally, heart is afraid in pursuing your dream, because you might lose everything you’ve won. But life is also generous to those who pursue their destiny. To die alive is to take risks. To pay your price. To do something that sometimes scares you, but you should do because you may like or you may not like. It takes a great strength to say NO and move ahead for something better, something you must be dreaming for, something you must be searching for. So when you dare to take a step of saying no, never regert or never be afraid. Its not only you who take the decision, its the natural force. Things may get better, things may even get worse. Choice is yours, take risk and ride your life. Or always wait for the right time.

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