Inspired by the book 'unposted letters' written by mahatria R.A.
People feel your love not by what u are with them, but what they can be with you.
Everyone of us expect unconditional love. We all feel to be loved with all our faults .We want our loved ones to accept the way we are. Yes, all agreed but these are not the expectations from our loved ones these are from the one with whom we share a relationship. Relationship itself is a wider term but used for temporary love syndrome. Now-a-days people don't need love for healing heart but a hallow relationship to dump their frustration. People don't search a friend but a person for just to be with. They end up doing everything for that fake relationship and for their love for life they find it a repetitive task. One may not have a successful relationship, doesn't matter but avoid switching over..switching over relationships again and again is like getting hit by X-rays over and over ending up burning skin tissues.
We see our level of satisfaction when we are with someone and when things don't workout as we thought we breakup. While the real love test is in not being satisfied from others but being able to cross all level of dissatisfaction together. People have wrong belief of having a positive relationship status for reducing the frustration level however, fact is breakups and fake relationships are the reasons for increasing frustration.
Even though u have a good love life and you have been in true relationship so far, maintaining the same chemistry throughout your life gets difficult for people. Reason being, people end up doing everything in their initial exciting years and sharing every little thing that leaves no room for them to explore their relationship in future years. Remember what can grow like a tree shouldn't die like a plant. Its always better if few things remain unsaid. Relationship should be transparent and not naked.
Life is worth living with someone we truly love and not with one whom we know completely. Its about growing together not outgrowing one another. People usually say 'we are waiting for that special one in our life'.Rather waiting for a right person in your life try becoming the right one. Make yourself so worthy that you gift yourself in someone's life.
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