How many of us are still worried to travel alone because of daily sexual harassment we have to face during our walk to some other place or even when we are on our own vehice,or taking some public transports??.Answer will leave you stunned. Even though we see positive changes for a Women in a male centric society,most Basic structure of this society is showing no signs of improvement. Those comments, whistles and glares not only frightens a women but leaves no room for her to get back on routine without thinking about it.
Intimidated and frightened, Victim of eve teasing finally breaks her confidence. She preferres to stay back or move in a group as she feels safe.Are these women so weak to travel alone??Is it right to blame a girl's confidence when she refuses to come out. Though A girl knows the importance of being independent and brave, she cannot bear the daily harassment that she has to face to earn it.
We girls when come in a group and talk about it, we learn that every girl sitting out there is a victim of eve teasing. Girl faces it everytime she walks on a road,she is followed by some random guy even if she is on a morning walk in a garden.or she is in some public place be it multiplexes, shopping malls, bus stops etc. When asked about their actions being taken, Girls were like, 'move on with such kind of acts' and were not ready to speak up.Very few of us has a courage to raise a voice and stop it then and there, Not many of us can hit the culprit with a slap when he truely deserves it.Obviously,we are afraid of simply taking this eve-teasing issues to Acid attacks just because male ego gets hurt in getting denied or slapped by a girl.Guys, please tell me, how will a male ego gets affected by a girl raising voice against this wrong.Had your Ego been on a fleet while you were embarrassing her?If guys really have an Ego,they will never let a girl's respect get ruined.
According to UN Women, one in three women around the world face some kind of sexual assault at least once in their lifetime, and more than half of these incidents occur to girls below the age of 16. Yet, 80 percent of women and girls choose not to talk about it. Often, there is an element of fear in reporting sexual violence as there is a society-created sense of ‘shame’ involved, along with the fear of dealing with the police. In addition, poor awareness regarding legislation also acts as an inhibitor.
Most of us think of sexual harassment as only sexual assault or rape, which in actuality is only one extreme end of the spectrum of abuse. We tend to ignore the verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment that takes place almost on a daily basis and has been ‘normalised’ over time.
It is important to note that post the gang rape in Delhi, several of the legislations underwent a change to protect women from sexual violence.
It is important for women and men to understand the legislation in effect and use the existing systems to stand up for their legal rights. Knowledge of these rights and a shift in the prevalent culture of victim-blaming are integral for changing existing social conditions.
people are not even willing to respect women The traditional mindset often blames the eve teasing incidents on women.Irony lies in changing the mindset and inculcating morals and values in our education system.women, should empower themselves to fight back. story everyday and now you are wondering what to do?Many women have been found carrying pins, chilli powder,pen-knives, swiss knives and even daggers to protect themselves. Self-defense classes have mushroomed across.
its time you get up and raise your voice.Although, you can always pretend to ignore all the lewd comments but things would be much better if you can just look straight into the eyes of the offender and speak up.
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ElsaMarie D’Silva,CoFounder & Managing Director of Safecity that crowdmaps sexual harassment in public spaces, and is a 2015 Aspen New Voices Fellow. You can follow her on twitter @elsamariedsilva